Friday, June 13, 2008

Want To Improve Acne? Try These 3 Things

Diet definitely plays a major role in acne. Here are 3 ways to improve an acne problem.

Increase intake of foods that may improve acne such as fish (halibut, salmon, tuna, sardines). These contain important omega 3 oils such as EPA and DHA. They will make a difference in the health of your skin. Eating more fish is one of the most important dietary steps you can take to improve your skin.

If you dine at Japanese restaurants, order the Ikura which is the salmon egg sushi. Salmon eggs, or fish eggs, I believe, improve the health of skin since they provide many long chained fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory. Acne is an inflammatory process and the idea is to eat foods that reduce inflammation.

Consider taking fish-oil capsules if your intake of fish is less than two times per week. They can be bought relatively cheaply at your local health food store.

Increase your vegetable intake. Eat as many raw vegetables as you wish, preferably organic. More raw foods in the diet have been proven to decrease the incidence of acne. Try to eat a wide variety of vegetables.

A combination of fish and vegetables is not only delicious when prepared correctly, but is likely to be one of the healthiest meals for those with acne.

Lastly, increase your intake of water. Drink a glass or two of cold water first thing in the morning to eliminate the bowels. In hot weather, increase your water intake to at least 4 glasses a day.

Find out how you can reverse a chronic acne problem in as little as 3 days the natural way, with a powerful new program. Click Here for information.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Acne Diet -3 Foods that cause Acne

Reduce your intake of sugar (including excessive amounts of fruit juices), sweets, processed flour, baked goods, and trans or hydrogenated fats. Examples include donuts, cookies, pastry, ice cream, pies, etc. Use Stevia, the no calorie natural sweetener rather than sugar. Regularly eating breads, cakes, chips and other staples of Western culture is likely to promote acne. Sodas are a significant source of sugar. Switch to water, herbal teas, and vegetable juices. You can sweeten herbal teas with stevia.
Foods that produce a high glycemic load -- such as sugared drinks, white bread and white potatoes -- cause a quick rise in blood sugar. More complex carbohydrates with fiber, such as unrefined cereals or beans, lead to a more gradual change and are considered to have a low glycemic index. Dr. Robyn N. Smith, from the RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, evaluated acne symptoms in 43 male patients, between 15 and 25 years, who were randomly assigned to a low glycemic load diet or a normal diet. The intervention diet consisted of 25 percent energy from protein and 45 percent from low-glycemic-index carbohydrates. After 3 months, the low-glycemic diet was associated with a significant reduction in acne compared with the normal diet. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, July 2007.
Comments: One reason for the success of this low glycemic acne diet is that it limited the rise in high insulin levels. Chronically high levels of insulin may lead to blockages in skin pores and extra oil building up under the skin.

Reduce intake of nuts, including
brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, and filberts. Peanuts and peanut butter may provoke acne in some individuals. If you eat nuts, limit your intake to small amounts and preferably eat raw nuts.

Reduce intake of milk products, including ice cream and cheese. There is a high amount of hormones produced in the milk of cows, particularly in the milk of pregnant cows, which makes up the bulk of marketed milk and dairy products. Milk from pregnant cows contains progesterone, 5-alpha reduced steroids, and other steroid hormones. These hormones, when consumed, can break down into dihydrotestestosterone (DHT), the final molecule that turns on oil-making cells. Studies show there is an association between milk consumption and acne, and it didn't matter whether the milk was whole, low fat, or skim. For those who eliminate or significantly reduce milk products from their diet, calcium supplements could be helpful. Consider soy milk as a partial alternative. Buy unsweetened soy milk and sweeten it with stevia. Milk also contains high levels of iodine which may be an additional reason to avoid excessive dairy consumption.

Are you battling a chronic acne problem? I reccomend you take a look at this powerful program that can reverse and begin clearing your acne in as little as 3 days, using only natural methods. Click Here for more information.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Acne Improved on Low-Glycemic Diet

Foods that produce a high glycemic load - such as sugared drinks, white bread, and white potatoes - cause a quick rise in blood sugar. More complex carbohydrates with fiber, such as unrefined cereals, grains, and beans, have a more gradual effect on blood sugar, and, thus, have a low glycemic index. Eating low-glycemic foods can help stave off obesity and diabetes. It can also help clear up unsightly acne.

Dr. Robyn N. Smith, from the RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, evaluated acne symptoms in 43 male patients. The participants - who ranged in age from 15 to 25 - were randomly assigned to a low-glycemic-load diet or a normal diet. After three months, the low-glycemic diet was associated with a significant reduction in acne compared with the normal diet. In addition, the low-glycemic diet produced greater reductions in body weight and body mass and a greater increase in insulin sensitivity.

One reason for the success of the low-glycemic diet is that it limits the increase in insulin levels. Chronically high levels of insulin may lead to blockages in skin pores and extra oil building up under the skin.

Along with sticking to low-glycemic foods, eating lots of fish full of omega-3 EPA and DHA oils is very helpful for people with acne. Even with the best diet, many teenagers will be bothered with pimples. But their skin problem is likely to be less severe when they adopt a healthier diet.

Are you battling with a chronic acne problem? You need to look at this powerful program that can reverse acne in as little as 3 days using only natural methods. Click here .