Friday, June 13, 2008

Want To Improve Acne? Try These 3 Things

Diet definitely plays a major role in acne. Here are 3 ways to improve an acne problem.

Increase intake of foods that may improve acne such as fish (halibut, salmon, tuna, sardines). These contain important omega 3 oils such as EPA and DHA. They will make a difference in the health of your skin. Eating more fish is one of the most important dietary steps you can take to improve your skin.

If you dine at Japanese restaurants, order the Ikura which is the salmon egg sushi. Salmon eggs, or fish eggs, I believe, improve the health of skin since they provide many long chained fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory. Acne is an inflammatory process and the idea is to eat foods that reduce inflammation.

Consider taking fish-oil capsules if your intake of fish is less than two times per week. They can be bought relatively cheaply at your local health food store.

Increase your vegetable intake. Eat as many raw vegetables as you wish, preferably organic. More raw foods in the diet have been proven to decrease the incidence of acne. Try to eat a wide variety of vegetables.

A combination of fish and vegetables is not only delicious when prepared correctly, but is likely to be one of the healthiest meals for those with acne.

Lastly, increase your intake of water. Drink a glass or two of cold water first thing in the morning to eliminate the bowels. In hot weather, increase your water intake to at least 4 glasses a day.

Find out how you can reverse a chronic acne problem in as little as 3 days the natural way, with a powerful new program. Click Here for information.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Acne Diet -3 Foods that cause Acne

Reduce your intake of sugar (including excessive amounts of fruit juices), sweets, processed flour, baked goods, and trans or hydrogenated fats. Examples include donuts, cookies, pastry, ice cream, pies, etc. Use Stevia, the no calorie natural sweetener rather than sugar. Regularly eating breads, cakes, chips and other staples of Western culture is likely to promote acne. Sodas are a significant source of sugar. Switch to water, herbal teas, and vegetable juices. You can sweeten herbal teas with stevia.
Foods that produce a high glycemic load -- such as sugared drinks, white bread and white potatoes -- cause a quick rise in blood sugar. More complex carbohydrates with fiber, such as unrefined cereals or beans, lead to a more gradual change and are considered to have a low glycemic index. Dr. Robyn N. Smith, from the RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, evaluated acne symptoms in 43 male patients, between 15 and 25 years, who were randomly assigned to a low glycemic load diet or a normal diet. The intervention diet consisted of 25 percent energy from protein and 45 percent from low-glycemic-index carbohydrates. After 3 months, the low-glycemic diet was associated with a significant reduction in acne compared with the normal diet. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, July 2007.
Comments: One reason for the success of this low glycemic acne diet is that it limited the rise in high insulin levels. Chronically high levels of insulin may lead to blockages in skin pores and extra oil building up under the skin.

Reduce intake of nuts, including
brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, and filberts. Peanuts and peanut butter may provoke acne in some individuals. If you eat nuts, limit your intake to small amounts and preferably eat raw nuts.

Reduce intake of milk products, including ice cream and cheese. There is a high amount of hormones produced in the milk of cows, particularly in the milk of pregnant cows, which makes up the bulk of marketed milk and dairy products. Milk from pregnant cows contains progesterone, 5-alpha reduced steroids, and other steroid hormones. These hormones, when consumed, can break down into dihydrotestestosterone (DHT), the final molecule that turns on oil-making cells. Studies show there is an association between milk consumption and acne, and it didn't matter whether the milk was whole, low fat, or skim. For those who eliminate or significantly reduce milk products from their diet, calcium supplements could be helpful. Consider soy milk as a partial alternative. Buy unsweetened soy milk and sweeten it with stevia. Milk also contains high levels of iodine which may be an additional reason to avoid excessive dairy consumption.

Are you battling a chronic acne problem? I reccomend you take a look at this powerful program that can reverse and begin clearing your acne in as little as 3 days, using only natural methods. Click Here for more information.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Acne Improved on Low-Glycemic Diet

Foods that produce a high glycemic load - such as sugared drinks, white bread, and white potatoes - cause a quick rise in blood sugar. More complex carbohydrates with fiber, such as unrefined cereals, grains, and beans, have a more gradual effect on blood sugar, and, thus, have a low glycemic index. Eating low-glycemic foods can help stave off obesity and diabetes. It can also help clear up unsightly acne.

Dr. Robyn N. Smith, from the RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, evaluated acne symptoms in 43 male patients. The participants - who ranged in age from 15 to 25 - were randomly assigned to a low-glycemic-load diet or a normal diet. After three months, the low-glycemic diet was associated with a significant reduction in acne compared with the normal diet. In addition, the low-glycemic diet produced greater reductions in body weight and body mass and a greater increase in insulin sensitivity.

One reason for the success of the low-glycemic diet is that it limits the increase in insulin levels. Chronically high levels of insulin may lead to blockages in skin pores and extra oil building up under the skin.

Along with sticking to low-glycemic foods, eating lots of fish full of omega-3 EPA and DHA oils is very helpful for people with acne. Even with the best diet, many teenagers will be bothered with pimples. But their skin problem is likely to be less severe when they adopt a healthier diet.

Are you battling with a chronic acne problem? You need to look at this powerful program that can reverse acne in as little as 3 days using only natural methods. Click here .

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Overcoming Acne Naturally-Part 1

The resistance by conventional medical practitioners to nutritional supplements is nothing short of appalling.

There are no current ongoing studies by the medical establishment into the role that nutrition plays in the onset of acne.

Acne occurs with the production of sex hormones during puberty. It often appears just when children are growing rapidly, around eleven or twelve years of age. Growth factors and hormones are involved in this process.

Modern medicine in typical fashion, would rather that the acne occur and then treat it after the fact, thus preventing it in the first place.

Although there are only a few well-documented studies on the effects of diet and acne, those studies show a dramatic picture of just how important a role proper nutrition plays in the prevention of acne.

A study was done on the peoples of Papua, New Guinea. Their diet consisted mainly of raw foods and high in the good fats such as coconut oil and fish. There were no documented cases of acne found among the entire population.

In the United States, acne affects 80-95 percent of adolesants, and 40-45% of adults over the age of twenty five. Of course as we know, the Western diet is full of refined sugars, refined flour, and over-cooked foods.

You probably won’t hear your dermatologist talking about this, but the simple fact remains, populations consuming raw food diets were found to have no cases of acne. Now that’s something to think about.

In my next blog we’ll discuss what supplements are helpful in the prevention of acne, and I have some good news for those of you that are battling acne and need some answers.

Battling a chronic acne problem, or know somebody who is? Look at this powerful program that can reverse and begin clearing acne in as little 3 days. Click Here.

Accutane- Acne Cure Or Nightmare Drug?

Are you using or thinking about using the synthetic Vitamin A drug Accutane to treat your acne? You might want to reconsider.

It seems there is an ongoing horror story that surrounds the use of Accutane, a synthetic Vitamin A drug used to treat acne.

It is blamed for everything from causing birth defects and spontaneous abortions to suicide and lifelong side effects such as permanent hair loss, muscle weakness, and tremors.

Ladies, if you are pregnant or contemplating getting pregnant, and are considering using Accutane for an acne problem, think again.

A number of conclusive reports have linked Accutane to babies born with multiple birth defects. A survey of 14 women who had Accutane-exposed pregnancies, found one birth with multiple birth defects, four spontaneous abortions and five induced abortions.

Yet the number of Accutane prescriptions for women in their reproductive years has more than doubled in the past ten years!

Besides birth defects, Accutane is also linked to suicide, permanent hair loss, and muscle weakness and tremors.

Between 1982 and 2000, the Food and Drug Administration received reports of 37 patients treated with Accutane that committed suicide. 110 were hospitalized for depression or suicide attempts.

For those of you that are struggling with an acne problem and are considering Accutane, don’t do it! There are eighteen, yes eighteen different warnings with this drug. Read them, and if you still think it worth it to have “clear skin,” that’s your decision.

Do you have a chronic acne problem? You need to look at this pwerful program that can reverse and clear acne in as little as 3 days. Click here for more information on this potentially life changing program.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Vitamins That Fight Acne And 3 DaysTo Clear Skin

Before we discuss some of the natural supplements that have been shown to be effective in preventing and reversing the process of acne, I want to quickly tell you about a program I recently reviewed that claims to clear your acne problem in 3 days using only natural methods.

The gentleman's name who developed the program is Chris Gibson, who was a ten year acne sufferer himself. Since Chris has created the program, the response to his system has been overwhelmingly positive. He has appeared on numerous national talk shows and you can read testimony after testimony of acne sufferers who have had success implementing his program.

To read about this outstanding and potentially life-changing program click here.

Now let"s discuss some of the natural supplements that can be effective in the treatment of acne.

1. Sulpher: Sulpher is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, but is often forgotten as a crucial element in health, including our skin and nails. This vital nutrient is a constituent of karatin and callogen-substances in skin and hair.Many acne sufferers have good results when takin sulpher supplements in the form of MSM(methyl sulfonal membrane).
Start by taking 1000mg. three times a day.

2. Vitamin C With Flavanoids: Vitamin C is called the "super Vitamin" and with good reason.
it is an antioxidant that is required for at least 300 metabolic functions in the body, including tissue growth and repair. Vitamin C protects against infection and enhances immunity. Bioflavinoids have an antibacterial effect. Recommended dosage to fight acne : 1000 to 1600 mg. 3 times per day.

3. Chromium: For acne, chromium aids in reducing infections of the skin. To get the adequte amount of chromium in your diet, chromium should be taken in supplemental form called chromium picolinate. Chances are you are chromium deficient since the form of chromium in foods is not easily absorbed and is lost during processing. Recommended dosage to fight acne is 150 mcg. per day.

Of course there are many more supplements that can be very effective in the prevention and reversal of acne.

Your ideal intake of supplements will depend on your individual needs, your lifestyle, your diet, and the environment that you live in.

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Passion That Drives Me - An Introduction

Welcome to my Blog and health and nutrition newsletter.
Thanks for dropping in! I hope your visit here will prove
not only informative, but also inspirational .

By way of introduction, let me quickly tell you a little about
myself and how I became such a passionate advocate
for the alternative health and nutrition sectors.

I am a trained respiratory therapist by trade, and have
been involved in the medical field for over fifteen years
in that capacity.

Over the years as I worked in the hospital setting, I began
to see that conventional medicine offered very little hope to
those myriads of patients suffering from a diverse group
of chronic diseases.

I found that conventional medicine takes a very narrow view
in the way it treats the average patient.

In the eyes of the majority of physicians, there are only four
ways to treat a disease process:

1. Treat the symptoms with a prescription drug.

2. Treat the symptoms with an anti-biotic.

3. Treat the disease process by removing the "offending " organ or organs!

4. Treat by combining all three of the modalities above!

This is the "merry-go-round" process you'll get if you're unfortunate
enough to rent a room at your local hospital.

I couldn't possibly count all the times I witnessed this scenario,
as I watched one patient after another being passed through
the medical system.

I would see a patient come through the doors of the ER with
a pneumonia in both lungs. The doctors would treat with fluids
and of course begin a regimen of antibiotics.

If the patient was showing signs of respiratory distress, they
were admitted into the hospital and given the full antibiotic
treatment. After about three days, the patient was allowed to
go home, even though the chest xray showed that the pneumonia
had not completely resolved.

Of course they were sent home with another prescription for
antibiotics, along with a long list of various pharmaceuticals
to help them sleep at night, breathe easier, and diminish any
body aches they might be having.

Two weeks after this patient would be discharged from the
hospital, back he would come admitted through the ER again.

This time though, not only was his pneumonia fully involved
again in both lungs, but now he had a severe intestinal
infection because the antibiotics he had been taking to
combat the pneumonia had destroyed all his good flora in
his intestines. Now an insidious spore related to the
botulism and tetanus spore was left unchecked in his

The poor patient not only had his pneumonia back,
but he also has to battle against a potentially life-threatening
diarrhea that had been caused by the overuse of antibiotics.

Back into the hospital he goes. This time he has to go into an
isolation room. Now he finds himself behind a closed door, and
all the hospital staff must come in garbed in blue plastic gowns
and yellow masks to "treat" him.

Now here's where it gets interesting. Remember the intestinal
infection he picked up was due to overuse of antibiotics. What do
you suppose the choice of drug is to "stop" the microbe causing the

You might have guessed it, another potent antibiotic! Yes, give
this poor patient another antibiotic to counter the disease that
the antibiotics brought on in the first place! Huh??

This is the thinking of conventional medicine- "Treat the symptoms,
and then treat the symptoms again that come from the body reacting
to the pharmaceuticals and antibiotics that have been ingested."

This is like bringing your car to a mechanic because the warning light
had come on telling you that you had a potential problem, and without
saying a word, the mechanic opens the hood of your car and proceeds
to clip the little red wire that leads to the warning light.

He then tells you that everything should be fine now, that the light
won't come on anymore on your dashboard and then hands you a
bill for fifty five dollars!

As I saw more and more of what I can only call a lack of interest
by the majority of the physicians in delving beyond the symptoms
of each patient they were seeing, and truly looking for the root causes
that were causing the symptoms, I began to look for answers myself.

In my research over the past five years or so, I have accumulated
a massive amount of information on alternative ways to treat both
chronic and acute medical conditions.

It is now my passion to get this information out to as many people as
possible so that they can make informed decisions and start taking control
of their health and well being.