Monday, June 2, 2008

Vitamins That Fight Acne And 3 DaysTo Clear Skin

Before we discuss some of the natural supplements that have been shown to be effective in preventing and reversing the process of acne, I want to quickly tell you about a program I recently reviewed that claims to clear your acne problem in 3 days using only natural methods.

The gentleman's name who developed the program is Chris Gibson, who was a ten year acne sufferer himself. Since Chris has created the program, the response to his system has been overwhelmingly positive. He has appeared on numerous national talk shows and you can read testimony after testimony of acne sufferers who have had success implementing his program.

To read about this outstanding and potentially life-changing program click here.

Now let"s discuss some of the natural supplements that can be effective in the treatment of acne.

1. Sulpher: Sulpher is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, but is often forgotten as a crucial element in health, including our skin and nails. This vital nutrient is a constituent of karatin and callogen-substances in skin and hair.Many acne sufferers have good results when takin sulpher supplements in the form of MSM(methyl sulfonal membrane).
Start by taking 1000mg. three times a day.

2. Vitamin C With Flavanoids: Vitamin C is called the "super Vitamin" and with good reason.
it is an antioxidant that is required for at least 300 metabolic functions in the body, including tissue growth and repair. Vitamin C protects against infection and enhances immunity. Bioflavinoids have an antibacterial effect. Recommended dosage to fight acne : 1000 to 1600 mg. 3 times per day.

3. Chromium: For acne, chromium aids in reducing infections of the skin. To get the adequte amount of chromium in your diet, chromium should be taken in supplemental form called chromium picolinate. Chances are you are chromium deficient since the form of chromium in foods is not easily absorbed and is lost during processing. Recommended dosage to fight acne is 150 mcg. per day.

Of course there are many more supplements that can be very effective in the prevention and reversal of acne.

Your ideal intake of supplements will depend on your individual needs, your lifestyle, your diet, and the environment that you live in.

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