Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Overcoming Acne Naturally-Part 1

The resistance by conventional medical practitioners to nutritional supplements is nothing short of appalling.

There are no current ongoing studies by the medical establishment into the role that nutrition plays in the onset of acne.

Acne occurs with the production of sex hormones during puberty. It often appears just when children are growing rapidly, around eleven or twelve years of age. Growth factors and hormones are involved in this process.

Modern medicine in typical fashion, would rather that the acne occur and then treat it after the fact, thus preventing it in the first place.

Although there are only a few well-documented studies on the effects of diet and acne, those studies show a dramatic picture of just how important a role proper nutrition plays in the prevention of acne.

A study was done on the peoples of Papua, New Guinea. Their diet consisted mainly of raw foods and high in the good fats such as coconut oil and fish. There were no documented cases of acne found among the entire population.

In the United States, acne affects 80-95 percent of adolesants, and 40-45% of adults over the age of twenty five. Of course as we know, the Western diet is full of refined sugars, refined flour, and over-cooked foods.

You probably won’t hear your dermatologist talking about this, but the simple fact remains, populations consuming raw food diets were found to have no cases of acne. Now that’s something to think about.

In my next blog we’ll discuss what supplements are helpful in the prevention of acne, and I have some good news for those of you that are battling acne and need some answers.

Battling a chronic acne problem, or know somebody who is? Look at this powerful program that can reverse and begin clearing acne in as little 3 days. Click Here.

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